The library will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2. The book drop will remain open.

Adult Fiction Writers’ Workshop

Calling all fiction enthusiasts and aspiring writers! Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting your journey into fiction, CPL’s monthly Adult Fiction Writers’ Workshop is open to all experience levels and all genres. Let your imagination run wild and your stories come to life!

About The Writers’ Workshop

Writing is often a solitary endeavor – but it doesn’t have to be! The Adult Fiction Writers’ Workshop offers you the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experienced authors, and grow as a writer. Whether you’re seeking to improve your skills, gain inspiration, or simply share your love for fiction, this workshop is the perfect place to do so.

  • Craft Discussions: Dive deep into the art of storytelling, from character development to plot structure. Rafael Frumkin, with his wealth of knowledge and expertise, will guide you through the intricacies of the craft.
  • Writing Prompts: Overcome writer’s block and ignite your creativity with engaging writing prompts. These exercises will help you explore new ideas and expand your writing horizons.
  • Feedback on Stories: Share your work with the group and receive valuable feedback. Constructive critiques from your peers can be a game-changer in your writing journey.
  • Open to All: The workshop is open to any genre writing and any experience level. Whether you’re into mystery, romance, science fiction, or any other genre, you’ll find a welcoming space here. And all experience levels are encouraged to participate!
  • Read Aloud: If time permits, you’re welcome to bring a page of your work to read aloud workshop. Sharing your words with an eager and supportive audience can be an exhilarating experience.

About The Workshop Leaders

Jennifer “Jay” Bull lives with her spouse and four cats in rural Illinois while working as a writer. With over 20 years of professional writing experience in the news industry including working at Nightlife and the Illinois Eagle, she also has written five novels. Dead Weight – available on the Yonder app – is set in a zombie apocalypse and is the first in the “Love in the Time of Zombies” series. Mirror Witch is an urban fantasy set in St. Louis and available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and at many libraries.

She loves books, tarot, movies/television, and writing worlds inhabited by goddesses and gods. With jobs as a reporter, marketing writer, and a technical writer creating manuals for software companies, she has worked at various writing jobs, but fiction remains her favorite form of writing. She’s worked as both a writer and a professional psychic throughout her life and collects tarot decks and cats, although her spouse has put a limit on cat collecting so she takes care of only four tiny terror beasts.

Mary Morris holds an MFA in creative writing from Southern Illinois University—Carbondale and has worked with the written word for more than two decades. A former English professor, reporter, and ghostwriter, Mary now works as a line editor and proofreader for Red Adept Publishing and teaches in Southern New Hampshire University’s online creative-writing MFA program. Mary’s fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have appeared various literary magazines, and under the pen name Phoebe Walker, composed of her and Jennifer “Jay” Bull as co-authors.

Mary lives in the wilds of southeastern Illinois with her husband, her children, and miscellaneous cats. When she’s not working, she divides her time between wrangling kids, watching TV, reading, and writing whenever possible. She doesn’t remember the last time she was bored, but it was probably sometime in the ‘90s.

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